Treasure Island

Treasure Island
When young Him Hawkins finds a map of an island where Captain Flint has hidden his treasure, he and a group of friends begin an exciting voyage to Treasure Island to look for it. During the voyage, Jim discovers more about the ship's company, which includes Long John Silver, a pirate with only one leg, and Ben Gunn, a strange man with a very important secret. And then the battle for the treasure begins!
Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1850, the son of an engineer. He was not a strong child and for most of his life he was often ill. In 1867 Stevenson began to study engineering. But he did not like it and so he decided to study law. But his biggest interest was literature.

In 1876, after leaving university, he travelled through France and Belgium, and met Mrs Fanny Osbourne, an American and mother of two children. In 1879 he went to California and, a year later, he married Mrs Osbourne in San Francisco. During 1881-2 he wrote Treasure Island for Mrs Osbourne's son Lloyd. It was a great success. Later, he returned to England where he wrote very successful stories, including The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), Kidnapped (1886), and The Black Arrow (1888).

He left England in 1888 because he was ill with tuberculosis and wanted to find a warmer climate. After traveling for two years, he found the island of Samoa in the South Seas. He decided to stay.

Stevenson died suddenly in 1894 from a cerebral haemorrhage. In his lifetime his most popular work was Treasure Island, and today it is still his most famous story.
A Note on Robert Louis Stevenson

Chapter 1- The Old Pirate at the "Admiral Benbow"

Chapter 2 - The Sea – chest

Chapter 3 - Long John Silver

Chapter 4 - The Island

Chapter 5 - The Doctor Continues the Story

Chapter 6 - Jim Hawkins Continues the Story

Chapter 7 - My Sea Adventure

Chapter 8 - In Silver's Camp

Chapter 9 - The Treasure Hunt

關鍵字詞: Battle|Captain|Fight




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